
May, part 1

ok, let's catch up!
it snowed on May 1st.  not gonna miss that!

play date at the platings'.  THAT, i miss.

getting ready for the move.  boxes, boxes, boxes.

we LOVED laurel's teachers, mrs slater and mrs ward, this year.  here we are at the mother's day tea 
cheyenne mountain zoo with the kellstroms
my bs (bible study) girls (and pat!) and their families surprised me with an early birthday party.  they all brought me some of their favorite things as gifts.  it was truly a fabulous night; one that i'll never forget.  love these friends!!!

thank you Lord for these ladies!

gosh i miss them. 
laurel did such a great job in her dance recital.  all the other little girls were watching her to know the next step!

oh my, i was rocking that mullet, huh?  

the marshes were incredibly hospitable and gracious to let us stay at their house for a week during/after all the packing
i think the kids loved it
goodbye to the truck and a goodbye glass of wine with our neighbors, spider and buns

i think it was the day (or two) before we were actually leaving town that laurel fell and busted her chin while we were at the gym.  spending the afternoon at the er getting stitches was not on the agenda!  but she did a great job and was very brave.  mommy and daddy did ok too.  :-)

May 17th, 2013, we left colorado springs.  we loved our time there.  we also loved our pastor!  jim and anne urish met us for lunch at Freddy's (appropriate, no?) to say goodbye

and we're off!  pat and i both had really good travel partners!

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