from new orleans to gulf shores. it's a hard life, right? rayner beach week. let's do it!
another lively on the way. the best news i've heard in a long time. THANK YOU JESUS!
the undertow was super strong that week. tragically, someone was lost right in front of the condo where we were staying. very sobering and puts things in perspective. so we spent a lot of time inside.
thankfully we did get some time on the beach
katey overstreet and her boys joined us, with anna mary. great to see them!
i have no words. i mean, could they be any happier? or cuter?
that's a happy buddy
freddy rayners
robert rayners
he LOVES the beach now.
buddy rented a pontoon boat again. we all love it!!!
lunch at pirate's cove
we were happy to have B with us this year! but we missed uncle chris :-(
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