
pjs and pancakes

the day after laurel's birthday we celebrated with a few friends

birthday girl pajamas

sweet friends
p made delicious pink, blue, and green pancakes.


love this grin after she blew out her candle

family of four?!

we love kissy and buddy - SO glad they could be here!


i think the cupcakes were a hit

beautiful kissy and her newest love

the chef

the kiddos

the princess, opening presents with daddy

sweet (perhaps dangerous?) birthday hugs

derick and his boys


more twins! :)

a true friend will clean your floor... love you marj!

precious, happy, easy, content, BIG boy fourie

opening gift from tupelo cousins. thank you carley, richard, maury, lucy, rebecca, and celia!

1 comment:

Kissy said...

Love that birthday girl!